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Active Tourism Review – La Campagne Tropicana

On the 14th of Nov, we had another edition of the Active tourism and it was at the La Campagne Tropicana. The theme was yoga at the beach and it was a success.

A post shared by Active Tourism Nigeria (@activetourismng) on Dec 16, 2015 at 3:50am PST


Transportation was arranged and the take off time was 7.30am so we could arrive at our venue at 9 am. Most participants were on time and soon we were off to the resort.

The journey was so much fun as everyone got to introduce themselves and say a couple of things that they felt was interesting about themselves. Thankfully there was no traffic so it was a pleasant and delightful drive down.

On arrival, the resort welcomed our participants with fresh palm wine and akara, while Lovefitness Ng and I registered everyone and made sure everything was ready for us.


After settling in and taking in the venue, we began the yoga session which was led by the lovely Bola who I met on a trip to Badagary. Some of us had never done yoga before and even though we struggled a bit, we also found it enjoyable. This lasted for an hour before we started to groan about being tired and hungry.


Lunch was up next and everyone discussed what they thought about healthy eating/living. It was interesting to find out that some were vegan or considering it.

There were prizes to be won, so we had to play games so everyone could have a fair chance. The shoes and shades were sponsored by Flossy Shoes Ng and Dapmod. It was so funny to see their reactions to the games. We played musical chairs, concentration and the straw game.

A post shared by Active Tourism Nigeria (@activetourismng) on Dec 16, 2015 at 2:12am PST


After all the prizes were won, everyone was free to do whatever they wanted at the resort. This included horse riding, kayaking, playing on the beach etc. We also took our speakers so there was a lot of dancing as well.



A big thank you goes out to Tooms Fruits, Simply Green Juices & Diet Munchers for our healthy drinks and snacks. Our participants were also amazing and good sports. Some of them had to rush off for weddings and other events but we are glad they came and enjoyed themselves.

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Would you like to be part of the next Active Tourism event? Put your names and email address in the comment section or just send an email to Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram.

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