Happy New Year everyone. I can’t believe 2016 is here already. 2015 was such an amazing year and it flew by so quickly.
A lot happened last year, from organising tours to appearing in the newspaper twice. I’m incredibly proud of what was achieved and I want to say thank you to everyone who reads this site as you made it possible.
Looking to the future, a couple of things have been lined up for this year. I hope to start a weekly podcast series called ‘Unofficial Ministry of Tourism’. I will talk about all things tourism related with a special focus on Nigeria. The site will be undergoing changes to make it better and easier to use and I hope to organise more tours (see our tentative calendar below and email us indicating your interest and for which tour). I will also be introducing new content to the site eg a ‘compare & contrast’ series. As more things come up, I will keep you guys updated.
I wish everyone a fantastic 2016 and also hope for your continued support. This site has achieved what it has because of all of you and I can’t say thank you enough.
Have a great year and hopefully I see some of you on my tours.
