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So today’s post is a reblog of my fellow blogger. We’re both planning a tour of Kajuru Castle and I wanted you guys to see what someone who went there had to say about it. If you’re interested in the tour coming up soon, let me know in the comment section. Enjoy!

Dare Soyebo: Our guest nomads’ hobbies include photography, reading, dancing and watching his favorite team, Manchester united, play. He recently discovered a love for travel and kicked it off on a very high note by exploring one of the Nigeria’s best kept secrets. Sometimes, its exciting being a tourist in your own country. Read all about his road trip with a group of friends to the majestic Kajuru Castle in Kaduna State.Instagram: @soyebo

When the words “group vacations” or “getaways” are used you would typically believe it involves a passport, air travel, jet lag and a selfie in front of a famous foreign landmark with the hash tag #BestVacationever. But when you and your friends, some of who turn out to be the best planners and team members ever, decide to have a weekend getaway in a remote area of North Central Nigeria you never know what…

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