On the other side of River Niger and Benue, we have Gbobe Village. Capt Danlandi who led our boat ride on the river thought it would be a nice touch to show us the village.
We took a walk round the village and saw how they other side lived.

Canoes docked by the bank of the village

The people of Gbobe live a very simple life and still practice the communal living tradition that is quickly losing ground in Nigeria.
They cook together, eat together, work together and do so much more. With about 4-5000 people living there, it’s easy to see how that may be achieved.
We noted that they also had no electricity or potable water.
We made a stop at the home of one of the ‘traditional rulers’ in the village but unfortunately we couldn’t see him as he was busy.

When you try to see a ‘king’ but you didn’t make an appointment
One fun fact about this village is that it is home to the first Anglican Church in Northern Nigeria. It was great to see that it was still standing and the highlight was that the church was open and we were allowed to go in and take a look.

Have you ever drummed/worshiped in the first Northern Nigeria Anglican Church? This is why you should join the Unravelling Nigeria crew.
We had so much fun putting on a mini praise session and now some of us can add church drummer to our CV.
It was a nice scenic walk through a village we had no idea existed and we were glad that Capt Danladi suggested it.
It is a bit confusing however, that the commissioner for rural development lives in that community and his house is bigger and better than the whole community put together. What exactly is he developing in the village? We really must do better in this country.
If you ever take the ride on River Niger and Benue, make sure you stop at the village of Gbobe.

*Reviews are based on opinions and personal experiences, and may differ from person to person
*prices written are based on the time the visit was made and is subject to change by the owners.