Looking for something different to do? Open your calendars, note these upcoming events then get ready to come unravel these places with me and have fun!

First up is another edition of active tourism coming up this Saturday. This is in collaboration with Love Fitness Ng.
This time we’ll be heading to La Campagne Tropicana, and it is yoga themed. Not to worry if you’re not into yoga, you can just frolick around the beach and take advantage of all it has to offer; from water sports to the see saws, you’ll have a swell time.
Food, drinks, snacks, prizes and transportation to and fro are part of the deal.
Some of our sponsors include Simply Green Juices, Tooms fruits, Flossy shoes ng, Dapmod and Diet Munchers.
Get in touch to reserve your space and for payment enquiries!

Away from the hustle and bustle of big cities, our kings and queens will be tucked away in the remote mountains of Kajuru, home to the Majestic Kajuru Castle, from 5th – 6th of December 2015. Journey time from Abuja – Kajuru is averagely 3 hours and as such, we intend to depart around 7.00 am (there goes your sleep-in Saturday!) Not to worry, we will ensure its worth your while and on this trip, you are guaranteed nothing short of a royal treatment from start to finish. We have put together a schedule for the entire trip which includes a tour of the castle, swimming, games, hiking e.t.c (without giving too much away).
Kindly find attached the flier for the trip and get in touch for payment details. *Kindly note that the castle only accommodates 12 people at a time (for night stays) and we currently have 3 slots left. Payment confirms your slot.
Please fill the form below and indicate which you’re interested in.